HELICOPTER services will be banned from of the several of the best commercial sites available under The Spit master plan but not other areas in the Gold Coast’s planned central park.
September, 2020
15 September
Ministers face class action from Victorians retrenched during lockdown
The Andrews government faces a new class action on behalf of workers who lost jobs during the coronavirus second wave, amid claims the hotel quarantine bungle forced thousands out of work.
15 September
Trump presides as Israel, two Arab states sign historic pacts
Declaring "the dawn of a new Middle East", President Donald Trump has presided over the signing of historic diplomatic pacts between Israel, Bahrain and the UAE.
15 September
Twenty subsidised mental health care sessions via professionals should be the norm, Corangamite MP Libby Coker says
Twenty subsidised mental health care sessions via professionals should be the norm, Corangamite MP Libby Coker says.
15 September
Coronavirus Australia: Blokes big winners under tax cut plan but women get screwed
Men will secure double the tax cut cash that female workers secure under a budget plan to bring forward tax relief in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
15 September
Morrison plots path out of virus doldrums
Scott Morrison is promising to drag Australians out of the coronavirus recession through a budget focused squarely on jobs. But the prime minister has been
15 September
Israel, UAE, Bahrain sign Abraham Accords
The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have signed treaties with Israel to fully normalise their relationships, the first such major agreements between Arab
15 September
Australian Reptile Park funding boost announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison
However Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s visit to The Australian Reptile Park left a $172,190 impression on the Somersby park. Mr Morrison was there to see how the funding, which is part of the Federal Government’s $94.
15 September
After Covid-19: Australia, the region and multilateralism
Australia has enormous opportunities to influence the world for good, in ways that advance our wellbeing, security and prosperity. That’s the most striking message from ASPI’s new collection of ‘After Covid’ articles and policy proposals,
15 September
Victorian 2020 council elections: Jamie Bell among farmers running
ROADS, rates and rubbish — council candidates for time immemorial have campaigned on the holy trinity of municipal issues.