High voter turnout can be a sign of democratic enthusiasm. But some PNG electorates had more votes than their voting-age population in 2017.
September, 2020
15 September
Campaign swag that sets clever candidates apart
No one really knows from election to election, which campaign swag will resonate, but often the most obscure posters, T-shirts and flyers stick in the public imagination long after the campaign is
15 September
Liberals want cycling to be road-free by 2030
A CANBERRA Liberals government will make the ACT’s entire cycle path network road-free by 2030. The road-free network, according to the Liberals, will connect all town centres and major employment hubs with dedicated,
15 September
Australia should introduce a new skilled migrant visa as part of coronavirus recovery, report finds
Temporary migration to Australia should be promoted as a key part of Australia's post-pandemic recovery, the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia says.
15 September
Facebook data scientist says social media giant ‘ignored’ political manipulation
A departing Facebook data scientist has given up $US64,000 ($A87,860) to avoid signing an agreement not to disparage the company, and has quickly done just that.
15 September
Pick fruit and slash uni fees: bold proposal to save agriculture
Aussie university students would be given a discount on their fees to travel the country picking fruit, to prevent it rotting on the vine, with the patriotic message “our country needs you”.
15 September
Mornington Peninsula cafe owner to challenge Melbourne curfew
A small-business owner has launched a legal bid to overturn Daniel Andrews’s curfew that could force the government to pay back all fines.
15 September
1000 submissions reviewed for new Coast cycleway bid
More than 1000 submissions are being reviewed as the State Government works to release new options for a cycleway and transport project.
15 September
Committee recommends council election spending caps
Mayoral and council candidates would be hit with strict spending caps under a proposal to limit how much money they can splash at local government elections.
15 September
YOUR SAY: Time is running out to protect koalas from extinction
It is heartening to see a political showdown in the NSW Parliament to protect habitats under which koalas can flourish, but an even more vulnerable national treasure is under attack. Under the cover of COVID commotion,